Day 8 - So. Many. Stairs.

Today was my last day in Paris :( I'm going to be so sad to leave - it definitely exceeded all my expectations. This city is just so beautiful and historic. And today was such a good way to end it.

We started off the day by going to church. It was in this beautiful little square near the Pompideau. There was an overflow for English speakers, where they translated the testimonies into English for us. It was really neat and the testimonies were great.

We then went to the Louvre! We didn't stay for too long, just enough to see the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper, but the building is seriously so gorgeous. I definitely liked the Last Supper more than the Mona Lisa, it was much bigger and more symbolic, and not so much hardcore protection around it.

The pyramids!

look how small it is!

We then walked through parks and to Angelina's, a cute bakery and hot chocolate place that every that had been there had told me about. I got some delectable macaroons and a hot chocolate, which tasted like a better version of straight Hershey's syrup. It was delish.

We then walked through the streets of Paris a bit more to the Opera House. Unfortunately it was closed down, but we got some cool pics of the outside and made a sweet Rebecca Black video.

Then it was finally time for the top of the Notre Dame! It was seriously the coolest thing ever. We saw the huge bell that the real life Quasimodo rang and all the fierce-looking gargoyles. You could also see all of Paris from the view. But their were SO MANY STAIRS. Like hundreds. It was insane.

Speaking of SO MANY STAIRS, we next went to the top of the Arc De Triumph, where we had to climb and climb and climb. I have calves of steel now. You could see all of Paris from the Arc as well, including a great view of the Eiffel Tower. Twas most gorgeous.

:Leanna and I on top of the Arc

Lastly, we went and got our final crepes from our favorite crepe stand :) Kevin and Alex were kind enough to take a picture with us, but I don't have it on my camera. They also said that out of all the Americans they've met, we were by far their favorite. How's that for awesome.

So that's Paris! Tomorrow morning we travel by bus to Switzerland. I can't wait!

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